Refund policy
You have 14 days from the receipt of your order to initiate a return. To do so, please contact us at and provide your order number.
You have two refund options:
- A full refund (excluding shipping costs) in the form of store credit.
- A refund to your original payment method, with the following return fees:
→ €5 (deducted from your refund) for small leather goods or a scarf and €8 for handbags (for France, Belgium, and Luxembourg).
→ €15 (deducted from your refund) for the rest of Europe.
→ 15 CHF (deducted from your refund) for Switzerland.
→ $25 (deducted from your refund) for the United States.
→ $35 (deducted from your refund) for Canada (taxes are non-refundable).
Once you have received your return label, you have 14 days to ship your package. If more than 14 days have passed since the return label was issued, we will no longer be able to accept your return. If the package is shipped after this deadline, we will only be able to offer store credit for the amount of your order (excluding shipping costs).
IMPORTANT: To be eligible for a return, the following conditions must be met:
- The products must be intact and unworn.
- The shoulder strap must be folded and placed inside the bag, and the bag must be returned in its cotton pouch.
- The tags must still be attached to the products.
- If a gift was included in your package during a special promotion, it must also be returned.
If one or more of these conditions are not met, we reserve the right to refuse your refund. In this case, we will either return the products to you at our expense or offer you store credit, deducting any necessary costs for restoring the products.
To initiate your return, please fill out the form available [here].
Additionally, passive returns (i.e., unclaimed or refused packages) will be considered as a return for a refund and will therefore incur return shipping fees.
Once your returned product has been received and inspected, we will send you an email to confirm its receipt. We will also inform you whether your refund has been approved or denied.
If your refund is approved, we will process it as soon as possible, excluding any additional shipping fees incurred if you selected a delivery method other than the least expensive option offered.
If you have not yet received your refund, please check with your bank first, as processing times may vary and are beyond our control.
If you have contacted your bank and still have not received your refund, please reach out to us at